Mid Washington Seniors Golf Association

Board Member Meeting

November 14, 2023




A   CALL TO ORDER at 10:00 am


Board Members in Attendance: Wes Forshee, Denney Dawson, Chuck Broten, Steve Carley, John Galligan, Jim Pape

Board Members not in Attendance: Tom Seeley, Dan Skaramuca, Reinhold Schuetz, Terry Welling,

Ron Whitaker

Others Present: Guest - Bob Watson (MWSGA Member) was introduced.




  1. Review and Approve prior Meeting Minutes from Annual Meeting
  • Tabled.  Board awaiting final version from Secretary Tom Seeley


  1. Board Officer Retirements and Elections
  • Chuck Broten and Dan Skaramuca completed their term and are retiring.  President Wes Forshee acknowledged their dedication and commitment to the MWSGA.
  • The following MWSGA members contacted President Forshee about Board Membership:

Paul McDonald, Tim Lookabaugh, Paul McDonald, Perry Straus, Michael Wilbanks, Bob Watson

  • Nominated and Elected:  Bob Watson


  1. Review Tournament Schedule for the 2024 Golf Season
  • Discussion and Action:  All tournament dates and golf courses were tentatively identified for the 2024 golf season.  It was acknowledged that some dates may change based on negotiation with the courses.  A board member was assigned to each tournament and make the initial contact with the golf course point of contact (e.g., Club Pro, manager) and confirm the date.
  • Next Steps:  At a future board meeting, a chair and co-chair will be assigned to manage the tournament.


  2. Golf Tournaments for 2024
  • Discussion and Action:  All tournaments scheduled with tentative dates were assigned a Best Ball or Scramble format. 
  • A spreadsheet will be used for the 2024 golf season like the one that was used very effectively during the 2023 golf season to track essential elements of information golf course points of contact, rates, tee box assignments etc.




  1. Review - Pace of Play – Timeclocks - Penalty
  2. Review - Playing from the Forward Tees – Criteria
  3. Review - Best Ball Differentials (Strokes 8)
  4. Review - Scramble Differentials (35-15%)
  5. Review – Entry Fee ($10)]


  • Review and Discussion: Tabled for a future board meeting







  1. Financial Report – Treasurer, Denney Dawson


As we end calendar year 2023, MWSGA is in very good financial condition. MWSGA Financial Status as of 11/14/2023 has two bank accounts with Heritage Federal Bank of WA.  A checking account for association business expenses, & a savings account for tournament payouts at the end of the season.  A copy of the Financial Report is attached.


Account Balances as of 11/14/2023:


  • Checking Account: $2,002.81 (Used for Admin Fees)


  • Savings Account: $602.69 (Used for Tournament Fee Deposits and Payouts)


General Expenses to Date


  • Annual report to WA Secretary of State - $20.00
  • USPS for mail box - $114.00
  • Liability Insurance for MWSGA Board 2024, to Duncan Assoc. Insurance

($50 handling fee & $980 for the insurance) - $1,030.00

  • Golf Genius - $3,832.50
  • Dungeness Golf Club Prepay - $125.00
  • Tournament 2023 Winnings Payout - $32,885.00


Upcoming Expenses


  • Miscellaneous Expenses: (Mileage, Admin supplies)


  1. Other Committee Reports


  • No Other Reports this meeting.


E. New Business


I.  Golf Genius Fees – Increase


Issue:  MWSGA relies very heavily on Golf Genius for tournament management and communication with the members.  Unfortunately, the cost for Golf Genius is increasing.


Discussion:  President Forshee provided an update of a meeting with the Golf Genius (GG) Representative about any options for reducing the cost of the software based on actual GG Software components and used.  The answer was NO.  Unfortunately, MWSGA relies very heavily on GG for the effective and efficient management of the tournaments and communicating with members.  Other golf software programs that have been identified and reviewed would not meet our current and future needs of managing tournaments.


Decision:  The Board unanimously voted to continue to contract with Golf Genius for tournament management.








II.  Proposed MWSGA Rules and Policy Changes for the 2024 Golf Season:

  1. RAKING SAND BUNKERS (Greenside and Fairway)

Issue:  It has been evident that the conditions and quality of sand bunkers (Greenside and Fairway) in courses MWSGA plays varies significantly from course to course.  Also, the quality of the raking and repair of sand in the bunkers by players is inconsistent that may impact the play of other competitors.

Existing:  USGA Rules Restricts the Touching of Sand in Bunker.  Touching sand before making a stroke with a hand, club, rake, or other object result in a penalty.

Proposed:  Allow players in MWSGA tournaments where a ball lands in a bunker (Greenside or Fairway) to lift and clean their ball, rake the bunker sand, and replace the ball as close as possible to where the ball originally landed in the bunker.

Decision:  The Board unanimously voted and adopted the proposal for the 2024 golf season.  MWSGA Rules will be updated to reflect this new rule.



Issue: USGA Rules Restrict Standing Behind Partner When Stroke is Made.  A player must not stand on or close to an extension of the line of play behind the ball while their partner is making a stroke to gain information for their (the player’s) next stroke.


MWSGA members may not be aware of the rule and have not implemented the USGA rule consistently in tournament play. 

            Proposed:  Allow players/teams the discretion to stand behind partner when stroke is made.

Decision:  The Board unanimously voted to reaffirm the USGA rule. MWSGA Rules will be updated to reaffirm the existing USGA Rule.  Members will be expected to comply with the rule.




Issue:  It has been proposed that the Board should use the Team Handicap instead of Total Index for creating flights.  This process maybe a more fair and equitable process for assigning teams to Flights. 

Proposed:  No action

Decision:  Chuck Broten was asked to evaluate Golf Genius and make a recommendation to the Board for using the Team Handicap instead of Total Index for the 2024 golf season.  This option will be discussed at a future Board meeting.




  • Scheduled:  To Be Determined




A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, and seconded. By unanimous vote of 

the members present, the meeting was adjourned at Noon.