Mid Washington Seniors Golf Association

Board Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

  1. Call to Order


Board Members in Attendance


Wes Forshee, Denney Dawson, Reinhold Schuetz, Ron Whitaker, Tom Seeley, Steve Carley, Jim Pape, Terry Welling, John Galligan and Bob Watson.


Board Members not in Attendance:


Paul McDonald and Perry Straus


Past Board Members in Attendance


Chuck Broten and Dan Skaramuka


  1. Order of Business


    1. Review and Approve the January 10, 2024 Board Member minutes.


      1. Approved. Document will be entered onto the Golf Genius Portal


    1. Tournament Schedule Confirmation and Contacts for 2024.


      1. Discussion:
        1. It is important for the Tournament Chairs to make contact with the course manager/pro and confirm at least the date of the tournament and the final details (start time, intervals, rates, KP prizes etc.) with the course now that the 2024 schedule is complete.
        2. Some courses are raising their rates. More for the carts as well as increases to the green fees.
        3. Some courses are asking for deposits and to guarantee the number of players in advance with an assessment if that number of players is less than the guarantee at the time of the tournament.


        1. Tournament Chairs need to provide up to date details for the events they are managing.
      1. Action and Conclusions
        1. The goal is to negotiate and ensure that the course fees are the best senior rates for a weekday.
        2. Tournament Chairs managing the event should try to finalize the details of the event with the pro/GM at the course in person.
        3. The MWSGA is a non-profit organization that does not have the financial resources to provide deposits or upfront payments for the tournament.
        4. We cannot guarantee the amount of players in advance. We can provide an estimate 10 days in advance and a final count two in advance of the tournament.
        5. Tournament Chairs need to update details of the event asap before the event in the Tournament More Info section,  in Golf Genius on the schedule and with an email on the Member Portal.
        6. Newaukum has approved a 27 hole event on 8/28/24 with three formats: Scramble, Best Ball and Alternate Shot ($40 to walk,   $60 to ride). The Tournament Chairs will need to set up the tournament in Golf Genius as three separate tournaments and use the golf course scorecards.


lll                     Old Business

      1. Discussion
  1.       The dashboard spreadsheet has been updated with basic course information by Jim Pape. Tournament Chairs need to complete and update tournament details (ie. GM and/or Pro contact information, rates, KP prizes, range balls, registration opening and closing dates and times etc.)
  2.       The dashboard includes the Pace of Play spreadsheet. Data needs to be entered into the spreadsheet in conjunction with entering the scores following a tournament.
      1. Action and conclusion
  1.        The dashboard is for use only by the board to document essential information related to the individual tournaments. It is not for general information or member access.
  2.         It’s essential that pace of play data is entered by the Tournament Chairs asap so Pace of Play problems by players/teams can be identified for warnings and penalties. Note: This was a general discussion about The Home Course of Pace of Play last year. Jim was going to recover the 2023 data.


    1. Questions on the Pace of Play/Timeclock
      1. Discussion:
  1.         Pace of Play has been and continues to be a high priority this and accepted by the membership and important to collect data about the pace of play of players/teams.
  2.         The purchase of a second timeclock was approved for use at the North tournaments.
  3.         The Board has collected extensive data on the pace of play of players and teams. The membership would like the board to address the problem.  The board needs to establish a clear and concise policy on warnings and penalties regarding pace of play that are equitable, consistent, timely, enforceable and predictable.
  4.          Entering time clock data needs to be entered asap after a tournament along with the scores.
  5.          A policy regarding warnings and penalties should be created and communicated to the membership. It should include notification, warning and an agreed upon penalty to the violating team.
      1.  Action and Conclusion:
  1.         The following process should be followed:

         The President will issue a “general warning” to the membership before the season begins about the pace of play expectations, actions and potential penalties for failure by the players/teams to maintain an acceptable pace of play.

  1.           Players/teams identified as “slow players” that exceed the 15 minute gap or more according to the data collected from the time clock will be assessed a second warning from the Tournament Chairs.
  2.          The board needs to reach agreement on a policy regarding the kind of penalties that will be assessed. For example,  after a second warning and another violation of the 15 minute gap the players/team will receive a penalty stroke.
  3.           Tournament Chairs should request a tee time 10 minute gap with the course to improve pace of play.
  4.         Acquisition of another time clock that was approved needs to happen before the first northend tournament, Canterwood.  
  5.         The tournament Chairs are responsible for entering the team times on the spreadsheet. They must also identify the teams violating the Pace of Play policy and notify the team via email. They will be monitored the next time they play. Both members  of the team are subject to a slow play penalty.
  6.         The 15 teams identified from last year will be put on the clock the next time they play.
  7.         The actual notification, warning and penalties need to be decided before the first event of the season. Some suggestions were made to reduce the payouts or levy strokes. The impact on the final standings and points should be recognized.
    1.   KP Templates
      1. Discussion:
  1.         Former board member, Dan Skaramuca, has the template and will provide it to the president, Wes Forshee.                             
    1.   Scorecard Stock
      1. Discussion:
  1.         Determine the total scorecard current inventory and that 500 should be adequate for the 2024 season.

 lll.     Old Business

  1. Questions and concerns about the Rule of 85 and Playing from  the forward tees.       
  1.       Discussion;
  1.         The current Rule of 85 gives players who are 70 years old and their handicap is 15 or more resulting in a total of 85 or more  can choose the forward tees. These golfers can request to play from the back tees.
  2.          Concerns were raised by several board members that the current criteria for implementing the rule of 85 to determine tee assignment might be too restrictive.
  3.          For example, some players may be less than 70 and adding their handicaps equals 85 or more. Should those players be eligible to select the forward tees? Playing from the forward could improve their pace of play and enjoyment.
  4.          Two thirds of the members have not updated their profiles and selected a tee.
  5.          During the 2023 season, forward and back tees assigned to players according to Rule of 85 and selected by the players was 50/50.
  6.          Selecting forward tees does reduce the playing handicap and strokes awarded based on the course ratings and slope of the forward tees for the tournament.

Action and Conclusion:

  1.       The Rule of 85 will be modified so that players can be assigned/select the forward tees if their age plus their handicap totals 85 or greater.
  2.        Selection is final for the entire season. Denney and Steve will email the members and remind them to update their profiles and select the forward or back tees they want to play from for the season by April 1, 2024.
  3.         Until the members update their profile, Denney will assign the tee for the member based on the revised Rule of 85. If a member is assigned the forward tees and wants to play from the back tees then the member should email Denney and he will do the change. If the member is assigned to the back tees and wants to play from the forward tees, he/she must email Denney with the justifying explanation (ie. Health issue) for the change and the board will decide whether to approve the change. The reason for the change should be serious.
  4.         An email will be sent to the members explaining the preliminary tee assignments and a reminder to update their profiles
  5.         Bob Watson made a motion to approve the revised Rule of 85 Change and the majority approved.        
  1.     Questions on Best Ball Differentials (8 strokes).
  1.      Discussion:

No discussion. Previously approved.

  1.      Questions on the Scramble Differentials
  1. Discussion:

        No discussion. Previously approved.

  1.      Review Best Ball and Scramble Rules

a.        Steve Carley revised and updated the Best Ball and Scramble rules for 2024. Drafts regarding the above were distributed for board members for review and comment.


b.         All comments and suggestions were addressed and      final versions are ready to be posted on the golf Genius portal for the members information and reference.

c.         The explanation on the rules for both formats needs to be updated on the League Portal under MWSGA Info. Steve Carley has offered to do that update.

iv.              Report of Standing Committees

  1.      Open financial (see Treasure report provided).

v.                New Business

A.     Review on Computer – Golf Genius – Attaching Minutes to the        Portal

                                             a.       Instruction and guidance is needed for board           

members on uploading documents like the board minutes and rules  onto the League Portal and/or the Member Portal was discussed but not finalized. A request to Chuck Broten will be made for assistance and training.

  1.       Review on Computer – Golf Genius – Flight by Playing Handicap.
  1.          The number of flights for a tournament can be determined based on  the number of players(ie. Less than 100 players there are two flights, more than 100 players there are three flights).
  2.          Net and gross point payouts should be adjusted according to the number of flights.
  3.          It was also proposed that reducing the number of payouts per flight could improve the overall kitty. The $50 membership fee may only meet basic administration costs, primarily the cost of Golf Genius.
  4.           Consideration as given to adjust the winnings of players/teams penalized with slow play violations. There was concern regarding the impact on winnings and the implementation complications.
  5.            Imposing one or two penalty strokes was considered as an alternative and that it would impact the outcome of the event. The results of the event would have to be adjusted.
  6.            The penalty policy will have to be decided before  4/10. Perhaps done remotely with a quorum of the board members.

vi.         Adjournment

  1. A motion was made by the president to adjourn the meeting and seconded. By a unanimous vote of the members present, the meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.yewa