Annual Meeting Discussion Topics

Mid Washington Senior Golf Association


 Call to Order

Board Members in Attendance: Wes Forshee, President;  Reinhold Schuetz, Vice President;  Denny Dawson, Treasurer;  John Galligan, Secretary; Ron Whitaker, Perry Straus, Paul McDonald, Tom Seeley, Steve Carley, Jim Pape, Bob Watson and Terry Welling.

 Order of Business

Topic: Introduction and Recognition of board Members.


The president introduced the twelve board members and thanked them for their volunteer dedicated commitment to managing the MWSGA operations throughout the year.


The members at the meeting recognized and appreciated the board members management of the organization and each tournament throughout the season.


Topic: Open Discussion.

Issue: What did the Board members do well and what were the challenges during the 2024 season?


The members enjoyed the Newaukum 9-9-9 27 hole event and were receptive to occasionally using different formats. Awarding gross points for that event haven’t been added to the player’s season totals. The net points have been added. The gross points will be added at the end of the seaso      


Topic: Fee for late Cancellation or No Show.


There is currently a $25 penalty fee for cancelling after the registration has closed or for not showing up for the event. Should an appeal process be considered.


Consideration for an appeal process for this penalty was discussed and the consensus was to forego the appeal process and assess the penalty regardless of the reason for the appeal by the player(s).



The appeal process would be subjective and put additional challenges for the Co-Chairs or the Board of directors.


Topic: Golf Genius

Issue: Cost


The cost of Golf Genius increased $100 from $3800 to $3900, and it is by far the biggest expense of MWSGA. It is essential for conducting our events. Improving our understanding of the program is ongoing.


Next Steps:

 Continue to collaborate among the board members to improve the understanding and execution of Golf Genius for each event.


Topic: Membership Dues and Entry Fees

Issue: Increasing Fees


Increasing costs for MWSGA prompted consideration by the board to raise membership dues or event fees. This might be required in the future to cover increasing costs and to increase payouts to players.

*Next Steps:

At this time the board decided that these dues and fees will not be increased. Current fiscal condition is adequate to forego an increase. Higher tournament fees and gas prices is already a burden on members and impacts participation.

Topic: Playing from the Forward Tees

Issue: Acceptable Criteria


There is currently a Rule of 85 in place which requires a player’s age and handicap must total 85 or higher to choose playing from the forward tees. This designation by the player stays in effect for the entire season. Exceptions to this rule can be applied for consideration by the board each year.

The majority of the members in attendance were very positive about the Rule of 85 and that it made the round more enjoyable for everyone and improved the pace of play.


It was proposed that a mid-season adjustment to the forward or back tees assignment based on any changes in age or handicap should be conducted. This would eliminate and unfair advantage of a wrong tee assignment. The members agreed. The members also agreed that flights determination for each event was equitable.

Topic: Pace of Play

Issue: Improvement


It was noted that the pace of play had improved and the introduction of the time clock and publishing of the time performance of each group after the event were instrumental in the improvement.

The requirement to finish the round in 4.5 hours and finish in 15 minutes behind the group in front on the 18th hole was also recommended to further improve the pace of play.


Next Step:

It was noted that instituting a penalty for a groups slow play (i.e stroke penalty, forfeiting playing in a tournament, starting last fir the event) since it would be an additional administrative challenge to the existing responsibilities for the Co-Chairs of the tournament and become a subjective enforcement that would be inconsistent for the player


Each the members of each foursome must police their pace of play and adjust accordingly.


Topic: Tournament Participation this Year.

Issue: Status


Average member participation in 2022 tournaments was 120 in 26 events. Average member participation in 2023 tournaments was 118 in 20 events.  216 members out of 232 total members received points last year.


The value of a point this year is estimated at around $.58/point. Last year it was $.58/point.


Topic: Recruiting new Board Members

Issue: Board Member Recruitment


It is likely that some existing board members will be retiring from the board next season. We will need more board members to effectively run MWSGA with all the responsibilities membership requirements.

Next Step:

Existing board members and members should help recruit new board members. A significant benefit is early registration for the board members and their partners.


It’s also a great way to contribute to something they love to do and a rewarding experience.


Topic: Handicaps-Criteria for Creating Flights.

Issue: Inflated Handicaps


The handicaps that are used to determine flights are “playing handicaps” and not based on GHIN handicaps. Playing handicaps are adjusted handicaps based on the course ratings and slopes and the tees played from. It better creates more equally competitive flights for the tournaments.

There has been speculation that some members appear to be inflating their GHIN handicaps.


Next Steps:

The board should closely monitor the situation and take any action that is appropriate to keep the competition fair. They can act in accord with the USGA rules on the subject.


A policy to address this occurrence might be necessary. There is a USGA rule that does allow for handicap adjustments.

Topic: Scramble and Best Ball Rules.

Issue: Playing by the Rules


These rules are explained in detail on the Member Portal under MWSGA Info.

Next Step:

All members should know the rules of these formats to preserve the integrity of our tournaments and to make sure they are observed in each foursome.


Topic: Financial Report


The financial report is available on the Member Portal under MWSGA Info.

Topic: Points/Value and Payoff


A percentage of each member’s accumulated points for the 2024 season will be converted to a cash value and distributed to each member in the form of a debit card.


A motion was made by the President to adjourn the meeting and seconded. By unanimous decision the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm.